Here's What Patience and Consistency Looks LIke

When it comes to consistency, everyone is impatient. They want to see results over night.
They set the bar too high, too fast. It’s great to shoot for the stars, but expect to land on the moon instead (which is still great - improvement is what’s most important).
Over night success is not a thing. The people you do see become “overnight successes” have put in thousands and thousands and thousands of hours to become that overnight success.
When it comes to patience, people are inconsistent.
Trust that with time things will work out. Consistent hard work can get you anything you want. How long it will take is up to a lot of factors.
A perfect example of consistent hard work is @mikeohearn . Decades of training and consistency to reach his physical strength and appearance. He realizes that success isn’t owned, it’s rented, and rent is due every single day.
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🎥 Episode 10 // Chasing the Olympia Featuring Austin Burge
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