Turn Your Side Hustle Into a Lifestyle

Turn Your Side Hustle Into a Lifestyle

A lot of people feel regret for working too much or too hard when they were younger and wished they played a little harder instead. The real regret is not turning what you do after 5pm into a lifestyle.

What are you doing after your 9-5?

Whatever side hustle or hobby you do after your day job is what your dream job is. Turn it into your day job. Spend those after work hours growing into the person who can turn that hobby into a full time job.

If you don’t have an after work hobby, most likely, you’ve already found your passion, and if that’s not the case, you’re making a big mistake.

In episode 11, @mariobfit explains how Olympic weightlifting was just a hobby on the side of a 12 hour a day job until he realized he could turn what he loved into his lifestyle.

🎥 Episode 11 // Choose Your Passion Over a Paycheck Featuring Mario Beltran

#behindtheunderdogs #myunderdogtale

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